Trump Loses Popularity Among US Citizens


Donald Trump has seen a significant drop in his popularity among US citizens since he took office in January 2017. According to the latest Gallup poll, Trump's approval rating has dropped to a record low of 37%. This is the lowest approval rating of any President in modern history. The poll also shows that 59% of respondents disapprove of Trump's performance.

Trump's approval rating has been steadily declining since he took office. This is due to a number of factors, including his controversial policies, comments, and actions. Additionally, recent scandals, including alleged ties to Russia, have further eroded his approval rating.

Despite his low approval rating, Trump still has strong support among his base of loyal supporters. However, this support is not enough to offset the negative perceptions many Americans have of Trump. As a result, Trump's approval rating is likely to remain low for the foreseeable future.

Trump Loses Popularity Among US Citizens

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